I can not believe that it's already mid March! First deadline is done at my work. This passed week was more like a normal busy season for me. I went in about 7-7:30 every day and left around 9:30-10... I have to say, my body can not do too many weeks like this anymore. But I am not working today at all, so I have a day to recover and get ready for another week.
We have done a lot in the past few weeks. Last Friday was our and Carson Golden's first debuet at the First Fridays at down town Goshen (his parents, Jason and Andrea were there too). Luckily it was a warmer evening for an early March. We went in and out of many stores in down town, bought some drinks at the Electric Brew, and sat around and people-watched a little bit. It was a lot of fun.
Then on Saturday, we were invited to Dan and Richelle's place. They have a little cock-a-poo, Mollie. Oreo and Mollie played well, for the most part. I don't think Oreo likes playing with girls as much usually, but since they are pretty much the same size (and Mollie, who is only a puppy, loves to play and chase Oreo) it worked out well.
I had my doctor's appointment on Thursday. Everything is going well. I had the gestational diabetes test, so I got to drink a very sugarly half-flat orange pop. Oh boy, did our baby love that drink. He was kicking non stop all day long after the doctor's visit. On Friday I got a call from the doctor's office saying that the test result showed "high end of normal". So I didn't have to go through a 3-hour session second test. Yey! I know I've been craving pasta and other high in carb food, so it makes sense that it was a little high. I'll be careful...
wow, you have really popped out since your last picture! you look so cute! can't wait to see the little one and glad everything is going so well for you guys!