Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Monday already

Wow, it's already been a week since my last post. Time flies when you are busy. I like being in public accounting for this reason. Winter goes by so fast and it's spring in no time! Actually it hasn't been too busy at work yet. It's been nice to be home by 7:30 every day so I have some time to study for my next exam.

Our baby's movement has been more noticeable. It's been fun to feel him kick, and I feel like he responds to what's going on outside by kicking. For example, when Oreo barks, he usually kicks. When I eat chocolate, he kicks (that may be because of high in sugar and caffeine). He also kicks in the middle of a night when he is not comfortable when I finally found a comfortable position to sleep. Yesterday we stopped by at Mel & Lorna's place and tried to hear his heart beat with stethescope. We have been trying this for a while, but we still can't find the heart beat. I guess we don't know what we are trying to listen to. But when Jeff was trying our little guy kicked, and Jeff was able to hear that. Jeff described the sound as "it's like tapping on the stethescope".

My appetite has increased significantly in the past few days. I feel like I can eat 5 big meals a day and am always hungry. I need to start watching what I eat, if I have to eat that much!

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