Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy 1 week birthday!

Ethan is 1 week old today. This past week flew by so fast. We got home on Monday and we had a semi rough start but we are getting the hang of it.

Ethan lost 13% of birth weight by the time home care nurse came on Wednesday. I think my milk came in a little later (maybe because of c-section?) and was not producing enough for him. We fed 18 times within 24 hrs before we went to see a lactation specialist on Thursday, and he had gained 2 oz back! This was very tiring for all three of us.

Since yesterday, he has been sleeping 2-3 hours and much more content. Yey for a happy baby with a full tummy! We are finally catching up with our sleep (ok, somehow two 2-hr sessions feel like a good night's sleep now). I hope it will continue.

Below links are Ethan's pictures on Picasa, but I made an album for each day, so we have a few links. Enjoy!

May 31
June 1
June 2
June 3

1 comment:

  1. Those are beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing and way to keep up on things and organize! I think it took me a few months before I started to get organized with my pictures! He is such a beautiful little boy! So allert in some of those pics with his eyes wide open! When Luke was that little someone told me that when babies look that way you can tell they are breastfed. (-; I think it just means that they are well loved, bonded with their parents, and very intelligent!

    Enjoy the sleep whenever you can get it! Thanks again for posting all the links to the pics!
