Monday, March 1, 2010

Spoke too early... or jinxed myself :-(

So... Ethan got his first ear infection today :-( Last night he was woke up a few times and went back to sleep on his own, so I thought maybe his teeth were hurting him. But this morning a little after 5:30 he was crying pretty loud so I decided to go check on him. When I picked him up to get him out of the crib, he felt pretty warm to me, so I took the temperature quick. Sure enough, he had his first fever! It was 102.3 under arm, which is pretty high. So we gave him a Tylenol and hoped that it would go down some so we could wait until the morning to call the doctor's office.

He finally went back to sleep around 7:30, and I called the doctor at 8:40. We couldn't get in until 1:30, and he was waking up on and off again, so I gave him some Motrin and kept him up for a while. I think he did some 30-45 minute cycles of waking up and falling asleep. And when he was awake he wasn't too happy most of the time. He ate ok though.

So at 1:30 we went in to the doctor's office, and of course she said that he had an ear infection! I was honestly surprised that he lasted this long without one though. I used to get them all the time when I was little. She prescribed him an antibiotic, so hopefully he's not allergic to that. So now we've been giving him Tylenol and Motrin staggered, and it seems like Motrin definitely works a lot better than Tylenol. His temp seems to be lower and he has gotten some of his spunk back. We'll see how tonight goes...

I'm definitely kicking myself for jinxing though!

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